Wednesday, September 8, 2010

it stands on GRACE

Where does joy come from? Is it experience? Is it innate? Who gives it? How do you find it? Is it something that I can pick up or does it come when it wants to?
Being saved for me means becoming a kid again. It's life before Eve ate the fruit , innocence. It's the risk taking , childlike faith that believes that my, that OUR God could do anything. The older we get the more foolish, who are we to act like we know more than Christ. In our attempts of being 'wise' we become idiots because we attempt to put it all on ourselves by how many chapters we've read, how many verses we've memorized, how much sin did we kill today. Our measuring cup is all wrong, pour it out. IT MEANS NOTHING. We can't work up to Christ, he came down to be with us, he came down to pour his blood , sweat, tears and his words out for us. That's where joy lays, no one can take that away because its truth. No feelings, no emotions, joy simply stands on its own, it stands on GRACE. It stands on the unmerited favor that God has chosen to give his followers. It has nothing to do with anything we've done rather everything Christ has done for us.

1 comment:

Charlene said...

Hi there! Wow. Thanks for that reminder--I was beginning to think that joy lies in how much sin I killed today, you got me there. Yes, it stands on GRACE. I linked to your blog from the Reformed Sheology blog where I saw you were a follower. Love your blog! I really got lost in the monergism website--I could be on there for days! I'm fairly new to reformed theology but God's growing me bit by bit. Your blog is a great encouragement to me, thanks for exhorting. BTW, love your music choices this summer! I just discovered reformed rap in this past year and it's been a real blessing to me.

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